Sunday, August 15, 2010

All's Quiet on the Western Front

I am pleased to be back to my studio after a week of time away! My dear friends Mary and Perry invited me to drive three hours into the Colorado Rockies to a lovely hot springs resort. Once there, we all witnessed the marriage of their wonderful daughter, Sarah, to her sweetheart, Patrick. It was a week filled with young love, hot soaks in natural pools that dot the mountains and valleys of a tiny town called Fairplay,  and a week filled with friendship.

I travelled with my precious daughter Laura, and she and I had a chance to relax, laugh, and spend time with these cherished family friends.

As love birds are still on my mind, I found this charming painting from Nancy Jean of The Painted Sky studio in New Jersey. I love it! If you'd like to see more of her art, you can easily visit her at  Love Bird Painting. Enjoy!

Thanks for stopping by. I hope your day is filled with love, birds, and long-time family friends!


Nancy Jean Tobin said...

Hello Georgianne,
What a lovely way to come home after being away for a week myself!
Thank you for featuring my painting on you wonderful blog - I'm truly honored.
Warmest wishes,
Nancy Jean

Georgianne Holland said...

You are welcome Nancy Jean! I hope to follow your work and see how you continue creating such lovely art. Best wishes, Georgianne

Crystelle Boutique said...

Love the painting! Thanks for sharing!
Those hot pools sound delicious!

Georgianne Holland said...

I am ready for another trip to those hot spring pools right doubt about it!